Saturday, 11th May 2024

Why to book International Flight on MyTripAry?

MyTripAry.com 2022-08-20 05-08

MyTripAry is one of the leading online booking platform where a user can book a cheapest flight of any destinations using their own mobile phone or other devices which supports browsering. We provides secure booking and payment features where a user can book the available flights either from GDS (Global Distribution System) or LCC.(Low-Cost Carrier) and pay the amount of selected flights using their own bank accounts if they have the Online Banking features on thei Bank Account. 

Some of our Online payment features are:

(Pay using your phone)

  1. TripMoney:  TripMoney is similar to other wallet money which is use to made a secure and fast payment of any products available only in MyTripAry. Sometimes due to some technical problems our banking transaction may fail the payment and the real time flights that a user tries to book get failure so we made available TripMoney 

 (Note: TripMoney is designed 

  1. MobileBanking 
  2. InternetBanking
  3. Debit/Credit Card Payment(
  4. Connect IPS
  5. Wallets

a. Khalti

b. Prabhu Pay  

Top Destinations

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